Biglaw Wall Street Perk Watch: Ability to Read Legal Gossip Sites

Over at Bear Stearns, the powers-that-be have blocked employees from reading our sibling site, DealBreaker. This is not surprising. Given the mass layoffs, Bear needs to keep the survivors busy.
The good news, however, is that Bear Stearns employees can still read Above the Law (although query why they’d want to). See here.
We must confess that we’re kind of jealous. Why hasn’t any law firm blocked ATL? The prospect is hard to fathom, but could it be that we’re insufficiently trashy around here?
Bear Stearns Doesn’t Hate DealBreaker, Just DealBreaker Commenters/People Talking About The Sex Going On In The Bear Stearns 14th Floor Men’s Room [DealBreaker]
