Morning Docket: 02.13.08

* Senators Obama and McCain sweep D.C., Maryland, and Virginia primaries; Obama overtakes Clinton in delegate count. [CNN]
* Writers vote to end strike. [New York Times]
* Senate spy bill includes telecom immunity. [Washington Post]
* Sen. Specter, NFL Commish Goodell to discuss Patriots’ “spygate” incident. [ESPN]
* Foreclosure rescue plan coming together. [New York Times]
* When sports law meets civ pro: Clemens defamation lawsuit against McNamee may be moved to federal court. []
* Good news for PPP at Dickstein Shapiro? [WSJ Law Blog]
* How a lawyer survived last week’s shooting rampage in Kirkwood, Missouri. [ABA Journal]
* N.J. U.S. Attorney finds himself on defensive; GAO could investigate award of contract to John Ashcroft. [New York Times]
