Kash In On ATL

My name is Kashmir Hill, and I’ll be David Lat’s co-blogger for the day. Before digging into today’s headlines, I’d like to introduce myself.

I’m a Washington, D.C., non-profiteer (aka low-paid nonprofit organization employee) and come to ATL from the journalism world. I manage international educational programs for journalists for the National Press Foundation. I also go to a lot of fun media awards dinners, like the Radio TV News Correspondents Dinner last March, where I watched Karl Rove rap and touched POTUS’s elbow. It was at such a dinner where I had the pleasure of meeting ATL’s editor-in-chief.

My legal experience is not limited to being surrounded by lawyers and law students in D.C. I did a post-college stint as a paralegal for Covington & Burling. Which convinced me not to go to law school.

Having lived in D.C. for five years, I’ve almost forgotten that there are people in the world who are not lawyers, journalists or government workers. Writing for ATL will allow me to stay in the law-journo bubble that is my comfort zone.

Send me tips at kashmir at abovethelaw dot com. Now on to more interesting topics…
