
  • Morning Docket

    Morning Docket 12.29.09

    * AIG’s general counsel cashes out. [Marketwatch] * Scathing report issued in the death of 37-year-old lawyer, Sergei L. Magnitsky, in a Moscow prison cell. [New York Times] * Judge Charles Bernstein wants to stay on the bench and is claiming that forced retirement is unconstitutional. [Daily Record and Baltimore Sun] * Job watch in […]

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 12.28.09

    * Admit it, as soon as you heard about the thwarted Christmas Day terrorism you thought: “Christ, what stupid thing is TSA going to make me do next time?” I’m supposed to go to L.A. in ten days. I figure I’ll just show up at the airport naked carrying a vial of Propofol so that […]
  • Ridiculousness

    The Five Best Motions of the Year

    We’re not in the business of filing pleadings at Above the Law, but there were five motions in 2009 that were outrageous enough to justify posting here. We’re not sure how the judges felt about these, but we were moved: 5. Motion to Compel State’s Attorney to Drop His Accent: Being a New Yorker in […]
  • Morning Docket

    Morning Docket 12.28.09

    * Airport security rules being reexamined after the Northwest 253 scare. [New York Times] * Advice from lawyers who graduated during the 1990s recession: “Don’t panic.” [ABA Journal] * This may be more embarrassing than ordering an appletini. [New York Post] * We hope 2010 brings closure for Dahlia Lithwick’s novel, which she hoped to […]

  • Admin, Announcements, Holidays and Seasons

    Happy Holidays from Above the Law

    ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Internetz, Not many creatures were clicking, not even Biglaw cadets; The BlackBerrys were silenced and set aside with care, Because RIM crashed again and no emails were there. Corporate lawyers were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of billable hours danced in their heads… […]