Non-Sequiturs: 08.06.09

* Prestige whores, rejoice! Harvard University is coming out with its own men’s fashion line. [Fashionista]
* Clerquette’s entertaining take on today’s Sotomayor confirmation vote. [Underneath Their Robes]
* A depressing thought: Is business school even less useful than law school? [Adam Smith, Esq.]
* Speaking of law school, if you’re a legal academic — current or aspiring — check out this very interesting post by Professor Paul Horwitz, “On Writing ‘Small.'” [PrawfsBlawg]
* If Facebook offered Shepardizing (or KeyCite, for the youngsters among you). [Courtoons]
* Are the Big Four accounting firms following in the footsteps of Biglaw, by freezing or cutting salaries? [Going Concern]
* Well, being an underpaid accountant beats being an imprisoned one. [Going Concern]
