Westlaw Printer Access Restored for Puerto Rico!

Life happens fast. This morning we reported that Thomson Reuters had revoked free printer access to law schools in Puerto Rico.
It seems that the policy has now been reversed. A message from University of Puerto Rico law professor José Julián Álvarez González, after the jump.

This afternoon, Professor González sent out the following email:

Dear all:
After a very good and thoughtful telephone conversation with Mr. Mike Suchsland, President of West Education Group, and Mr. Chris Parton, Vice President, the Westlaw printer program has been reinstated for all Puerto Rico law schools. Both officials have promised that any future reductions in the program will be equally applicable to all law schools who currently participate in it.
Dean Aponte-Toro and myself are very satisfied with this result and wish to thank all of you who helped that our voices from this “distant ocean community” (Chief Justice Taft in Balzac v. Porto Rico, 1922) were heard. We also wish to thank Mr. Suchsland and Mr. Parton for their understanding and swift action.
If those of you who sent messages concerning this subject could relay this one to those you contacted, I would certainly appreciate it. The same request to you bloggers, who also helped a great deal.
Thank you all very much,
José Julián Álvarez González
Professor of Law
University of Puerto Rico School of Law

It’s great to see that Westlaw fixed that potential problem quickly and fairly.
Is there anything else we can be helpful with today?
Earlier: Is Westlaw Discriminating Against Puerto Rico?
