Non-Sequiturs: 10.09.09

* One (wacko) lawyer thinks Congress must pass a special act to allow Obama to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. Anyone ever hear of Teddy Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson? [True/Slant]
* Career alternatives: driving Catharine MacKinnon’s pick-up truck from Cambridge to Ann Arbor. [Harvard Law School]
* Do you have a copy of the Constitution signed by Justices Scalia and Thomas? This guy does. [Josh Blackman’s Blog]
* France threatens to sic “The Internet” on stressful companies. [Dealbreaker]
* What’s Hot? Hate crimes. What’s Not? The death penalty. [Law Dork 2.0]
* It’s Supreme Court Week on C-SPAN. Will Tom Goldstein report live from the red carpet? [SCOTUSblog]
