Morning Docket: 11.04.09

* Prosecutors prevail at the polls: former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie (pictured) wins the gubernatorial race in New Jersey, and former state attorney general Robert McDonnell seizes victory in Virginia. Both are Republicans. [New York Times]
* Meanwhile, Maine voters reject a state law that would have allowed same-sex marriage. [Associated Press]
* Lawyers for John Allen Muhammad, the “D.C. Sniper” behind random shootings that killed 10 people, want the Supreme Court to stop his execution. [Washington Post]
* Former Day Casebeer lawyers, embroiled in messy disciplinary proceedings over discovery problems, claim their ex-client Qualcomm misled them. [WSJ Law Blog]
* Which three law firms are involved in the gigantic, $34 billion Berkshire Hathaway / Burlington Northern deal? [Am Law Daily]
* Police recover loot from the infamous celebrity-targeting burglary ring. [Popsquire]
* An Italian judge will soon issue his ruling in a trial over the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program. [Associated Press]
* Have we learned nothing from the unfortunate tale of Adam “Bulletproof” Reposa? Don’t make an obscene gesture in front of a judge. [Chicago Sun-Times]
P.S. We worked for Chris Christie in the U.S. Attorney’s Office from 2003 until 2006. Congratulations on your hard-won victory, Chris!
