Non-Sequiturs: 12.21.09

* The law firm at the center of the mini-Tiger cover-up story. [WSJ Law Blog]
* You can’t imprison every whack job who disagrees with you. [The Legal Satyricon]
* The Clintons are so last century. [ABA Journal]
* Not only is being naked in your own home a crime in Virginia, it’s also comparable to being a bank robber. Virginia, please get the stick out of your butt. [True/Slant]
* Additional ideas on lawyerly holiday cards. [Courtoons]
* Why does the shortest day of the year always feel so long? [The Volokh Conspiracy]
* They probably should ban bullfighting. It’s progress. But I can’t help feeling like a little something will be lost as society does the right thing. [Transracial]
