Morning Docket: 03.19.10

* A Sunday showdown looms for proposed health care legislation. [Associated Press]

* Meanwhile, Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) outline a “blueprint” for overhauling the country’s immigration laws. [Washington Post]

* The Ninth Circuit refuses to reconsider a ruling that former Attorney General John Ashcroft can be held personally liable for money damages to a man who claims unconstitutional jailing. Judge O’Scannlain and seven colleagues send out the Bat-Signal to SCOTUS. [How Appealing]

* “Jihad Jane” pleads not guilty to conspiracy and other charges. As for inappropriate wearing of cornrows, she’s guilty as charged. [New York Times]

* It’s official: South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (pictured) rejoins the ranks of the single, as his divorce becomes final, and agrees to pay $74,000 in fines to resolve ethics charges. [Associated Press]

* Gibson Dunn gets slapped with a suit from a former client. [Am Law Daily]

* Has Judge William H. Pauley (S.D.N.Y.) “pulled a Rakoff,” with his rejection of a proposed modification to an SEC settlement? [WSJ Law Blog]


* An alienation-of-affections lawsuit results in a $9 million verdict against a lawyer’s lover. [ABA Journal]
