ATL March Madness Final: DC v. San Francisco

It’s the finals in our March Madness. No underdogs made it. In our contest, Cinderallas were sent home from the ball with a glass of shut-the-hell-up:

It’s the nation’s capital vs. the West Coast’s finest. Vote after the jump.


Kash here. San Francisco may be a more interesting city in which to live, but D.C. is the city where you want to be a lawyer. Lawyers rule the city with J.D.-clad fists. The legal opportunities are diverse. The coolest guy in town is a Harvard Law grad. The Supreme Court is here. This is the best city by far to practice law.

More than that, it’s a city where it’s actually cool to be a lawyer. There are no San Francisco hippies looking down on you. Law is the most exciting industry in town, and non-lawyers envy you — and not just because those in Biglaw have the city’s highest salaries. You get to slip back and forth between the private sector and government, alternating money job with power job. San Francisco is a great place to spend a weekend, ride a trolley, and eat some sourdough, but D.C. is the city where you can get on the fast track to serious dough and prestige.



Elie here. The city by the bay has dominated its competition west of the Mississippi. Now it’s time for San Francisco to go up against a big boy from back east. I think it goes without saying that San Fran is a better city to live in. But for legal practitioners D.C. has its upside… if you don’t mind being tied to the federal teat that is.

The warped perspective from inside the beltway might suit lawyers that are fascinated with power. But for those that have figured out that you can buy things with money, San Francisco has to be the more desirable location. Sure, the market is more volatile, but that’s a risk most people are willing to take. Why take government cheese and fees when you can stand on your own two feet (until the ground starts shaking underneath you)?

Vote now. Polls close Tuesday night at midnight:


Earlier: ATL March Madness 2010