Michigan Lawyer Ryan Hill Has a Funny Way of Showing 'Marriage Matters'

Michigan law firm partner Ryan Hill has a very candid biography on his non-firm website:

I am a self-proclaimed family man. My wife and I have open communication about everything, whether it is small things such as who is going to take out the trash, to bigger things such as communicating our sexual desires.

We’re all in favor of open communication about sexual desires, but why does this Thomas Cooley law grad want to share it with those reading his bio?

It’s because he’s the face of his own non-profit, My Marriage Matters:

My Marriage Matters is a non-profit organization that strongly believes in the union of marriage. We acknowledge there are infinite obstacles that stand in the way to a happy, long-term marriage but we encourage couples to work through those obstacles together. Divorce should not be considered an option when you decide to say “I do”.

So what kind of attorney is Ryan Hill? A divorce attorney.

When one starts digging, this all gets stranger and stranger…


Ryan Hill and My Marriage Matters got a nice write-up in the Detroit Free Press last weekend:

What spokesman Ryan Hill is hawking is not new and improved but age-old and traditional. He doesn’t use fancy jingles or clever slogans. Instead, his message is direct and simple: Marriage matters.

In the ads, Hill, 33, a Southgate family law attorney, describes himself as “a faithful husband, loving father and traditional American who values marriage.” He tells viewers he started the nonprofit group and Web site to promote marriage in response to Ashley Madison and other affair-focused Web sites, which offer easy access to casual encounters.

Hill, whose legal specialty is uncontested divorces, says he was appalled at sites promoting cheating as a way to save marriage or enrich your life.

He’s so appalled that his website is basically a portal page directing visitors to the Ashley Madison site (which, if you’re not familiar with it, is essentially a Match.com for unfaithful married types). Here’s the site’s sidebar:


Don’t you want to click to see what the fuss is about??? If you do, you wind up on the “world’s premier discreet dating site.”

His site has just one blog post at the moment — a post presenting Ashley Madison ads and their media coverage. In case you’ve missed them, here’s an example of one of their ads:

Conveniently, the commercials, which have were banned in the U.S. during the Superbowl, get play each time a news report comes out about them. And Ryan Hill’s marriage-focused mission is resulting in more news reports. Hmm….

A University of Georgia law grad (whom I’ve written about before) noticed something interesting on his own fidelity-focused website, Manogamy. He’s also opposed to “Trashy Madison” and has gotten angry emails from the company about his harsh coverage of their site. When Ryan Hill commented on Manogamy’s website using the email address listed on Hill’s About Us page, the IP address was the same as that of Ashley Madison:

Though Manogamy retracted the suspicion that Hill is affiliated with Ashley Madison, the subsequent comments on the post are interesting.

It’s possible that someone is trying to sabotage Hill. We sent him an email asking about this IP address issue yesterday; he hasn’t yet responded.

Here’s one of Hill’s Ashley Madison-bashing ads:

In high school, our health ed teachers stopped showing us warning videos about women with eating disorders, because they found that young girls were actually getting tutorials in anorexia and bulimia. Could anti-cheating videos have the same effect?

Regardless, this all seems fishier than finding AshleyMadison.com in your significant other’s Web browser history.

Click if you believe in happy marriage [Detroit Free Press]
My Marriage Matters [Official Site]
Correction: Trashy Madison Was POSING as Ryan Hill of MyMarriageMatters.Org [Manogamy]