
Non-Sequiturs: 09.07.10

Ed. note: Later tonight, Elie will be liveblogging tonight’s New York Attorney General debate. With the primary a week away, it’s time to finally start paying attention to the men and women who want to be the top lawyer in New York State. Check back around 7:00 PM to get to know the potential AGs. […]

Ed. note: Later tonight, Elie will be liveblogging tonight’s New York Attorney General debate. With the primary a week away, it’s time to finally start paying attention to the men and women who want to be the top lawyer in New York State. Check back around 7:00 PM to get to know the potential AGs. Yes, you can leave your socks on.

* If only associates were as reliable as dogs. [What About Clients?]

* Fee fight! “Crusading attorney” Larry Klayman goes at it with his former client, Washington Times editorial-page editor Richard Minter. [Politico]

* Can a grassroots movement save net neutrality? If you have your own website, consider joining the party. []

* Have you been wondering what the hell is up with Google today? Well, it could be just the beginning of Google weirdness this week. [Gawker]

* Speaking of Google… it’s taking another step towards becoming a country unto itself, by poaching a former top State Department official. [Foreign Policy]

* It is fun to think about whether or not your law professor could last one day as a Biglaw partner. [Laws for Attorneys]

* Shana Tova, from Above the Law and Blawg Review. [Likelihood of Confusion via Blawg Review]