Non-Sequiturs: 11.15.10

* Unless coyotes can eat bedbugs they’re totally freaking useless! [ABA Journal]

* Social security disability judges are receiving violent threats from the people they rule against. Sorry, if you can physically menace a judge, you can probably show up to work and sort office supplies. [Associated Press]

* I’m starting to like this ABA President, Stephen Zack guy. If we could convince him to stop just one ridiculous law school, I bet we could hang out and pound some Four Lokos together. [ABA Now]

* Arizona approves medical marijuana but still hates foreigners. Finally, some excellent news for John McCain. [CNN]

* U.K. Blawg Reviews always make me wonder what would happen if would-be British lawyers had to pay American prices for legal education. Would they revolt? Would they all find something else to do? I mean, you just can’t imagine this system being imposed on another people in a way where they would stand for it. [Pink Tape via Blawg Review]

* We don’t do a lot of charitable shout outs around here (there are so many great causes), but Jim Levy has been a great internet friend and actually running a half marathon would surely kill me. [Leukemia & Lymphoma Society]
