
Non-Sequiturs: 03.01.11

* Dude, you’re not getting a Dell. How about this crappy Compaq, selling for around $300? Well, Ted Frank, previously profiled here as the Class Action Avenger, won’t stand for it. [Point of Law] * If you’re one of the 1.1 million people who didn’t file a federal income tax return for 2007, the IRS […]

* Dude, you’re not getting a Dell. How about this crappy Compaq, selling for around $300? Well, Ted Frank, previously profiled here as the Class Action Avenger, won’t stand for it. [Point of Law]

* If you’re one of the 1.1 million people who didn’t file a federal income tax return for 2007, the IRS has your refund — but you must file by April 18 to get your money back. [TaxProf Blog]

* Speaking of tax law, don’t try to deduct your visits to a prostitute as “medical expenses.” Shouldn’t a lawyer know better? []

* Stealing money from Alzheimer’s patients can’t be new. Then again, sending people who steal from Alzheimer’s patients straight to hell probably isn’t new either. [Dealbreaker]

* Now that the federal government has banned spice, I wonder if the Empire will release all of the political prisoners being held in the spice mines of Kessel. [Constitution Daily]

* California is going to define “pimping” much more clearly. And folks, that’s why we need states like California. [Legal Blog Watch]

* A JFK assassination expert testifies about one effective suicide method. [DNAinfo]

* You think lawyers get a raw deal in movie portrayals? You should check out accountants. [Going Concern]