Morning Docket: 04.29.11

* In Connecticut, going to grade school in a rich white neighborhood while black is now a crime. Brb, putting on my chunky racebaiting heels. [New York Times]

* People in glass houses shouldn’t throw Air Jordans. A pair of new sneakers settled a wrongful death suit in Baltimore this week. [Baltimore Sun]

* Florida puppy foreclosure mill Ben-Ezra & Katz laid off more than 400 employees, following in the footsteps of David J. Stern. [Palm Beach Post]

* Workplace harassment is way more sexy when you blog about it. Just ask Dov Charney. Allegedly. Ask him allegedly. [Los Angeles Times]

* Not so smart, are you? A 16-year-old college graduate wants to go to law school. Wait, it gets better — she wants to go to law school online. [King 5 News]

* Chicken sex. No, really. Chicken sex. [New Jersey Star-Ledger]
