Non-Sequiturs: 05.26.11

* Loser pays is very close to become law in Texas. I wonder if this can be extended beyond litigation? Like, if I go to Texas and beat the crap out of somebody at a bar, does he have to pay for my drinks? [Legal Blog Watch]

* Seismologists in Italy are being tried for manslaughter for not predicting an earthquake. Doesn’t Italy still believe that God causes earthquakes? [Gawker]

* You know how in theater whenever somebody tells a woman “you don’t know how to kill,” they always end up being killed by that woman? I think some bleeding heart liberal told Arizona “you don’t know how to kill,” and well… they do. [WSJ Law Blog]

* Just when you thought you had a fall-back career as some back office attorney
you’ve already been outsourced. [3 Geeks and a Law Blog]

* Do you want to be a lawyer because you like to argue? Well that’s dumb. If you want to be a lawyer because you really enjoy triple checking small details, well then you should consider taking the LSAT. [Lawyerist]

* Is there a way to do a sci-fi lawyer thing? If so, I’d like to be a part of this project. I know the guys at SyFy are desperate for content. [Overlawyered]

* Vote here for the best legal novel of the year. [ABA Journal]
