All Rise! Reema Bajaj's Bajayjay Is Now In Session

A source has provided Above the Law with what appear to be two nude photographs of Reema Bajaj....

I have previously expressed my belief in the innocence of Reema N. Bajaj, the 25-year-old lawyer who has been charged with prostitution. This Illinois solo practitioner didn’t strike me as a prostitute — and some who know her personally concur. A classmate of Bajaj from Northern Illinois University College of Law expressed his shock at the charges, and college students whom Bajaj taught described a caring and considerate teacher — an unlikely lawbreaker.

But, in fairness to the prosecution, evidence does exist that could be construed as supporting the charges. And some of this evidence is rather salacious — to wit, photographs of Reema Bajaj’s bajayjay.

If you have delicate sensibilities, please stop reading here. If you have a stomach for somewhat scandalous (but still safe for work) material, however, you may continue….

An article in the Rockford Register Star, by Betsy Lopez, contains additional information about Reema Bajaj — some of it positive, and some of it not so positive. The piece begins:

A Sycamore attorney who volunteered her time in the Boone County Public Defender’s office has been charged with three counts of prostitution in DeKalb County.

Reema N. Bajaj, 25, voluntarily represented offenders on behalf of the Public Defender’s office from November until May 31, when she turned herself in after a warrant was issued for her arrest.

The county gave her office space in exchange for her volunteer service, said Boone County Public Defender Azhar Minhas.

That’s the positive info. The public-spirited Bajaj did pro boner pro bono work — evidence supporting my previously expressed view of her personal decency.


Bajaj had previous experience in the office as a third year law clerk through an externship with Boone County while working as a student under a special license.

“She was not a paid employee, that’s one thing [we] have to make very clear,” Minhas said. “She was picking up some experience, donating her time on a voluntary basis and that arrangement came to an end as soon as we were advised of the charges.”

So Bajaj worked for free, in order to “pick[] up some experience” — fair enough. Here’s a random thought: if the allegation that Bajaj worked as a prostitute is true, then were her customers indirectly supporting indigent defense? Could a portion of their fees be tax-deductible, like contributions to the Legal Aid Society?

The DeKalb Police Department had been working on an unrelated case when it became aware of activities in which police believe Bajaj was engaged in most recently on Aug. 13 and May 10, said DeKalb Police Lt. Gary Spangler. Bajaj posted bond after turning herself into authorities.

DeKalb police obtained e-mails Bajaj sent to an individual “and it was quite obvious from the content of the e-mails she had arranged for encounters for money,” Spangler said. “There were pictures with the e-mails and we were able to identify (Bajaj). From there we were able to get other e-mails which connected her to other individuals regarding prostitution.”

Okay, this is where things get more interesting. Here at Above the Law, we have also seen photographs that appear to be of Bajaj, which she allegedly sent to a source who claims he was once a client of hers.

This source provided Above the Law with two nude photographs of Reema Bajaj. Alas, this tipster provided the pics on the condition that we not post them. We’ll have to resort to verbal description.


In the first photo, Bajaj lies on a bed and stares directly into the camera, her captivating almond eyes held wide open. She props herself up on her shoulders, thrusting her ample bosom out ever so slightly, pert nipples pointed skyward. Her smooth legs are spread far apart, revealing what lies in between; she is, to quote Urban Dictionary, showing the pink.

The second photo appears to be post-coital. She is sprawled on the same floral bedspread and again gazing frankly at the camera, with a look of contentment. This time her eyes are half-open, perhaps due to fatigue from recent exertions, and the hint of a smile plays on her lips. Her armpits are shaved, but her pubic area is most definitely not — and what appears to be semen is flecked all over the hairy nether regions.

(YABBA! As you might expect, when I opened these email attachments in the Above the Law offices and encountered female genitalia, I covered my eyes and cried out: “AHH!!! AHH!!! HELP!!!” The next thing I knew, Elie was reviving me with smelling salts.)

The source who sent the photos to us claims that he was a client of Reema Bajaj. He claims that he found her through the Adult FriendFinder website and proceeded to see her roughly once a month, for about a year. This individual alleges, consistent with the claims of DeKalb police, that Bajaj communicated with him via email, sometimes attaching photographs to her messages. He alleges that she charged $200 per hour (higher than the $50 to $100 per sex act alleged in the charges now pending against her).

We reached out to Reema Bajaj through her lawyer, David Camic of Camic Johnson in Aurora, Illinois. We provided Camic with copies of the photos. He responded as follows:

You should be aware that there are persons who claim to have had a prior relationship or friendship with Ms. Baja who are attempting to exploit this prosecution for there own purposes. You should be aware that there may have been photos taken of Ms. Bajaj prior to her graduation from college.

A man or woman may experience a momentary lapse of judgment in their youth and years later discover that photographs, taken in a private moment, perhaps voluntarily or perhaps unknowingly photographed in a private setting, depict them in an unflattering mode. The depiction, taken at a young, immature time, was certainly never intended for mass distribution and may not have been intended for even private viewership.

These are valid points. Many of us have naked photos or videos of ourselves that we would not want to see the light of day. Let he who is without a sex tape cast the first stone.

On the other hand, based on the pics, it is difficult to conclude that they were taken “unknowingly” or “may not have been intended for even private viewership.” They appear to be pornographic in nature: Bajaj evinces a clear awareness that she is being photographed, and she poses herself in a way that seems designed to titillate (if you’re into breasts and vajayjay, that is).

In fairness to Reema Bajaj, we cannot completely rule out the possibility that the pictures we saw were by taken by a jilted lover as opposed to a client / john. Our source claims that he was a client of hers — and perhaps admitting that he was a john, a declaration against interest, should not be dismissed out of hand. He also provided us with specific details about their purported encounters that seem realistic and credible.

At the end of the day, of course, Reema Bajaj remains innocent until proven guilty. Speaking for myself, I hope that she is in fact innocent of these charges — and, if she is actually innocent, I hope she is found innocent by the criminal justice system.

The man who claims to be a former client agrees: “For the record, I do not wish Ms. Bajaj ill. If she can, as the saying goes, beat the rap, I hope she decides to get her life straight and becomes an excellent lawyer.”

“If found guilty, well, I hope she can find her way in the world without being a lawyer or a prostitute.”

UPDATE (5/21/2013): Reema Bajaj ultimately pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of prostitution. She subsequently closed her law practice and filed a lawsuit against one of her former defense lawyers, Timothy Johnson, alleging that he (and others) went around showing nude photos of her to fellow attorneys.

Former county volunteer faces prostitution charges [Rockford Register Star]

Earlier: In Defense of Reema Bajaj, Solo Practitioner Accused of Practicing Prostitution
More About Reema Bajaj, the Lawyer Accused of Prostitution
It’s Hard Out Here For… A Lawyer Accused of Prostitution