An Inside Look at the Skadden Annual Review Process

Today, we take an inside look at the annual review process for attorneys at Skadden Arps. In this special report, we'll provide general observations on the Skadden review process, highlight noteworthy comments from leaked attorney evaluations, and show you a few reviews in their entirety. If you're interested in learning more about performance reviews at one of the world's biggest and best law firms, please keep reading....

(2009 rating was “Exceptional”): 2010 rating – [ ].
Chargeable Hours: 2,035 actual hours in 2009; 1,325 actual YTD hours through 10/31/10.
Docket: ANTITRUST BRO is the senior associate on the [redacted] price fixing matters as well as on various [redacted] matters.
Evaluations: [Three partners] provided evaluations. [Two partners] believe ANTITRUST BRO has improved at a rate at or above that expected for an associate at his class level and that he “exceeds expectations” in virtually every category. [Two partners] believe ANTITRUST BRO is performing above class level and are eager to work with him again. [One partner] rated ANTITRUST BRO’s work “outstanding” on an interim review.
[Partner #1]: “ANTITRUST BRO continues to excel. ANTITRUST BRO has effectively managed the [redacted] case on a day-to-day basis and drafted motion papers on behalf of the entire defense group that led to the case being substantially narrowed.” He calls ANTITRUST BRO a “strategic thinker, great writer . . . deft in dealing with both the client and co-counsel.”
[Partner #2]: “ANTITRUST BRO is a terrific lawyer” who is “very well rounded.” He “writes well (he wrote the reply brief in [redacted] virtually on his own and negotiated comments with co-counsel by himself.)” He is “smart – [redacted] really likes him and he gets direct calls for advice from the client has matured into a first rate outstanding lawyer.”
[Partner #3]: “ANTITRUST BRO is an excellent associate, basically running the [redacted] litigation and drafting excellent briefs.”
Weaknesses: [One partner] noted that ANTITRUST BRO has “No weaknesses; just needs more experience (depositions, courtroom time).”
Additional Training: No comments.
Partnership Potential: [Partner #1]: “Very strong partnership potential (assuming we have economic justification).” [Partner #2]: “Definitely has partnership potential” so long as we continue to provide him opportunities (e.g., court appearances) to develop his skills.
Review Message:
Upward Feedback Report: ANTITRUST BRO received very high marks for management skills, professional development/mentoring, and teamwork, better than the antitrust group or firm average. Associates call ANTITRUST BRO an “excellent mentor” who “is an excellent leader and team player” with “top-notch” attention to detail. “His comments are always insightful.”
Associate’s Career Development Plan: Not completed.
