Non-Sequiturs: 03.21.12

* If lawyers screw up Tim Tebow coming to New York, thereby messing up the Reign of the Beast and delaying the Rapture, I’m going to be pissed. [ESPN]

* The difference between what law schools report to U.S. News and the truth is shocking. Well, sorry, apparently not at all shocking to any reasonable consumer who knows good and well that law schools can only be trusted as far as you can throw them. [Faculty Lounge]

* A timeline of a bunch of people killed by Florida’s “shoot first and keep shooting until nobody is left alive to answer a question” law. [Good]

* Whenever I go on NPR, I feel like I’m screaming. But it’s still so much fun to talk about whether there is finally a feedback loop between legal jobs and prospective law students talking the LSAT. [Marketplace / NPR]

* Look, I generally like Mike Bloomberg, but the way he’s trying to get the government into our diet is bordering on obsessive. The dude needs a cheese-steak and a donut and a bitch-be-cool. [Overlawyered]

* New York ethics could have a chilling effect on U.K. law firm ownership structures. Ooh, I bet all those 1812 jokes you made at the White House aren’t so funny now! [WSJ Law Blog]
