Should Law Schools Put More Money Into Career Services?

Here's a law school putting more resources into career services. Is it a good idea?


Reorganized Career Center with New Positions. To meet the evolving demands of the legal job market, we have created two new positions in the Career Center. An employer outreach and alumni opportunity specialist will work from our Portland campus, while in Eugene we will add a team member who is knowledgeable about the wide array of professional paths beyond the traditional practice of law that are available to our graduates. These staffing enhancements will allow us to further develop our subject matter expertise, expand our outreach efforts, and increase our availability to students and graduates.

New 1L Course. I am pleased to announce that, starting this fall, the first-year curriculum will include a course on career exploration and professional planning and preparation. This class offers every student early exposure to professional opportunities, expectations, and responsibilities;connections with experienced professionals; and one-on-one attention from a career counselor focused on helping each student identify individualized goals and strategies. The course will serve as a foundation for the Career Center’s ongoing work with each student and will help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in a highly competitive job market. The components of this course – including programs, workshops, and counseling – will be available to all law school students.

Your Role in this Effort. The Career Center reorganization and professional planning course are among the many steps we will be taking to help students succeed in the job market. We have also asked our alumni and friends to keep supporting you in your career pursuits. Students, your responsibility is to work hard, be open-minded, and call, write, or stop by anytime you have a question. Our mission is to facilitate your transition from the classroom to the workplace; our passion is to help you secure exciting opportunities by partnering with you on your professional development.

Law school creates first-year course on how to get a job [Inside the Law School Scam]
