Lawyerly Lairs: A Tale of Two Apartments

Here are two New York City apartments, both priced between $1 million and $2 million. Which would you rather purchase?

It’s a long apartment, but at least there are windows on both ends. Here is the floor plan (click to enlarge).

Now let’s vote. It’s hard to compare the apartments head to head because 223 West 80th Street is larger than 88 Greenwich Street, by about 300 square feet, and more expensive, by about $600,000. On a price-per-square-foot basis, West 80th Street costs $1,261 a square and 88 Greenwich costs costs $1,150 a square.

To account for the differences, let’s frame the question this way — which apartment would you rather purchase: 223 West 80th Street, for $1.97 million, or 88 Greenwich Street, for $1.39 million?

Which apartment would you rather purchase?

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Brown University President Christina Paxson Celebrates New Job With Fi-Di Condo [New York Observer]
Opening the doors of the president’s house [Brown Daily Herald]
Greenwich Club at 88 Greenwich Street [StreetEasy]
Extra! Extra! New York Daily News Chief William Holiber Buys on the UWS [New York Observer]
223 West 80th Street #10 [StreetEasy]
