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UVA Law Grad Charged With Forcible Sodomy Allegedly Sodomized Second Victim During 1L Year

Sodomy allegations during 1L year of law school do not a politician make.

Another day, another round of allegations about a UVA Law grad behaving very, very badly — so badly, in fact, that criminal charges have been filed.

Back in October, we brought our readers news of Christopher Dumler, a “rising star” of Virginia’s Democratic party and a 2009 graduate of the law school that attracts flies like honey. At the time, we weren’t so much interested in Dumler’s political ambitions as we were in the allegations of forcible sodomy that he was facing. And now, just days before a preliminary hearing on that criminal charge, a second alleged victim has stepped forward with new accusations to stir the pot.

As it turns out, Dumler was allegedly sodomizing this victim during his 1L year of law school….

Here’s the scoop on the latest allegations from Newsplex:

Search warrants filed in Albemarle County General District Court, show a second woman has accused Dumler of sexual assault. According to the documents, the alleged victim told police she was raped and sodomized by Dumler multiple times between September and December of 2006. …

The 27-year-old was in his first year of law school at the University of Virginia in 2006, when the alleged assaults took place.

Some people go to bar review to de-stress during 1L year, and others allegedly commit sex crimes. Dumler, who’s out on $50,000 bond, claimed via text message that he had no knowledge of the new accusations.

Here’s some additional video coverage on the sodomization of Dumler’s future career prospects:

Allegations of forcible sodomy during the first year of law school do not a politician make.

(Flip to the next page to see the search warrant affidavit with regard to the latest victim’s accusations.)

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