
Whole Editorial Board Bids Adieu to Journal Over Copyright Issues

Editors face crisis of conscience working for closed-source journal after the death of Aaron Swartz.

It was just days after Aaron Swartz’ death, and I was having a crisis of conscience about publishing in a journal that was not open access…. The best Taylor & Francis could come up with was a less restrictive license that would cost authors nearly $3000 per article. The Board agreed that this alternative was simply not tenable, so we collectively resigned. In a sense, the decision was as much a practical one as a political one.

Chris Bourg, formerly an editor at the Journal of Library Administration describing the motivation behind the resignation of the Editor-in-Chief and the entire editorial board. It’s the latest fallout from the suicide of Aaron Swartz after the government threatened him with 35 years in prison for challenging the exclusive rights of publishing giants like Taylor & Francis.