Lawyerly Lairs: Lawyer Lives In RV Down By the River

Want to pay off your law school loans more quickly? Try living out of a glorified van.

Here’s what he tells Bedford + Bowery:

After working as a lawyer for three years, Moriarty was itching for a hobby that didn’t involve sitting at a desk. Getting a camper to mess around with seemed an obvious choice. After scanning the Internet for cheap deals for several months, he found a 1973 Dodge Shasta RV on Craigslist and brought it back to his parents’ house where it would stay for the next several months while he and his dad fixed it up. “It was just kind of a hobby and then I grew to thinking, well, maybe I can try to move out of my place and live in here part-time just to think a little bit more about how I’m living, and what I’m using and wasting,” he said. He’s been doing that since July.

His story reminds me of the homeless-by-choice law student. Or Ken Ilgunas, who finished grad school at Duke without debt, thanks to living out of a mobile home.

Ilgunas lived out of a Ford Econoline, which really is a van. Moriarty’s quarters are a bit nicer:

But not that much nicer. Let’s check out some interior shots….
