
Judge Admits To Racist, Sexist Comments; What Happens Next Is… Pretty Predictable, Actually.

UPDATE: The Racist, Sexist Commenting Judge's Identity Revealed!

Judge Mike Maggio was the now-infamous Geauxjudge on the Tiger Droppings board. Just like we all thought.

The rapidly unfolding scandal broke Monday and confirmation came Wednesday night, when Maggio admitted to his Geauxjudge alter ego and withdrew from the impending Court of Appeals race. Still unclear is whether the Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission will demand that he immediately step down from his current judgeship, which Judge Maggio will otherwise hold for the rest of the year.

The latest statement from Judge Maggio is reproduced below. It’s light on the racism, sexism, homophobia, and obvious breaches of judicial ethics, but it still captures the tone-deaf attitude of entitlement. At least we know Geauxjudge is still in there somewhere….

The Arkansas Times has Judge Maggio’s announcement:

I take full responsibility for the comments that have been attributed to me. I apologize deeply for my lapse in personal judgment and for that, I have no excuse. The comments posted were not acceptable. These comments are not a reflection of who I am.

During my life, I have prided myself in treating all fairly and with respect, both personally and professionally. My friends, family and colleagues know me and can appropriately attest to how I have treated others. I stand by their opinion and regret letting them down. I ask for both yours and God’s forgiveness. My actions are not indicative or illustrative of the conservative political philosophy of which I hold dear.

It is a shame that the politics of personal destruction take precedence along with the win at all costs mentality that results in the disjunction.

At this time, in light of the pain I have caused to my family, friends, supporters, the Judicial Branch, and the public, I have requested that the Secretary of State remove me from the ballot.

I would ask you to respect my family’s need for privacy so we can being the healing process of forgiveness.

Nothing says “I take full responsibility” like immediately chasing your apology with a castigation of “the politics of personal destruction.” It’s the disgraced politician take on “and I would have gotten away with it, too! If it weren’t for you meddling kids!”

Thanks, Geauxjudge. If this statement were entirely sincere I wouldn’t have believed it was really you.

Judge Mike Maggio withdraws from Court of Appeals race; acknowledges web postings [Arkansas Times]

Earlier: Judge Caught Making Racist, Sexist Comments On Internet Board