Angry Mob Takes To Twitter To Scream At SCOTUSBlog For Hobby Lobby Decision
Whoever is in charge of the SCOTUSblog account responded with the second language that is innate to all lawyers: sarcasm.
Hey, guys, do you remember that time a partner from Reed Smith thought SCOTUSblog’s Twitter feed was an official Twitter feed of the U.S. Supreme Court? That was so much fun. We always enjoy it when the words “go f@ck yourself and die” come from a Biglaw partner’s mouth — or keyboard, as it were.
This time around, everyone and their mother and their dog mistook the SCOTUSblog Twitter feed for an official Twitter feed of the U.S. Supreme Court in the wake of the Hobby Lobby decision. Members of the public were enraged, and took to the social media platform to shake their virtual fists in anger in tweets directed at SCOTUSblog.
Whoever is in charge of the SCOTUSblog account responded with the second language that is innate to all lawyers: sarcasm. The result was absolutely fabulous…
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Here’s a collection of tweets from the angry mob who couldn’t be bothered to read SCOTUSblog’s Twitter bio, and the account manager’s responses. Given the awesomely acidic responses, we think Tom Goldstein, the author of the most epic response to a porn star threatening to sue, was behind it all:
Lost our copy, apologies. MT @opinali: @SCOTUSblog today you have f@cked up real hard. Go read the f@cking First Amendment again, OK?
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 30, 2014
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How did we get something so obvious so wrong MT @leiacunning @SCOTUSblog Your complete misunderstanding of the issues scr@wed American women
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 30, 2014
We prefer them as our editor & manager. RT @Allout1 I guess @SCOTUSblog wants women barefoot, pregnant and cooking dinner.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 30, 2014
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Thurs. No, wait—Fri MT @Closetrighty: @SCOTUSblog can you at least tell me when your agents will confiscating my gf’s birth control.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
We put them in closets, dear RT @sufferfest: @SCOTUSblog = Hitler. Keep your black robes out of my vagina!
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
Rather than realizing what was happening, people assumed the justices were being obnoxious:
The passive aggressive way @SCOTUSblog is answering right now is horrible considering the position they just put women in. Not okay.
— Dumb of the Day (@WollyWollenberg) June 30, 2014
Drops mic. RT @sayyeslena: Have y’all seen what @SCOTUSblog is tweeting? #MyGovernmentIsBeingPassiveAggressive #Awkward
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 30, 2014
FTW RT @tory_dube @SCOTUSblog decisions upset so many people & all they are doing on twitter is mocking those people. That’s just disturbing
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
And… scene. Goodnight MT @seanmcdh: was the @SCOTUSblog account hijacked by an angry 14 year old male? wow! So much for ”…by the people.“
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) July 1, 2014
We’re still trying to wrap our minds around how this even occurred. For more of this insanity, check out the SCOTUSblog feed, and ponder how our nation will be able to survive with these people living in it.
Outraged Twitter Mob Blames SCOTUSblog for Hobby Lobby Ruling [Gawker]
Earlier: A Biglaw Partner’s Big Twitter Meltdown
Hobby Lobby And The True Gangsta Life Of Justice Alito
The Most Epic Lawyer Response Ever To A Porn Star Threatening To Sue