Summer Associate Offer Rates (2014): A Round-Up

Which law firms issued offers to all of their summer associates?

It’s the first week of August, and it seems that Biglaw firms are still handing out offers to their summer associates like candy. Don’t worry if you haven’t received one yet, because some firms are still daring enough to wait until their summer associates are back in school before they welcome their new crop of future associates.

Sure, summer associate classes are smaller than they were before the Great Lathaming and Dewey’s Demise, but now that things are starting to look up, offer rates seem stronger than ever.

Following up on Tuesday’s story, here are more firms that have given offers to all of their summers:

  • Dechert (New York City)
  • Jones Day (New York City)
  • Kenyon & Kenyon (New York City)
  • Latham (D.C.)
  • Latham (Los Angeles)
  • Milbank (New York City)
  • Nixon Peabody (Rochester)
  • Ropes & Gray (Chicago)
  • Skadden (D.C.)
  • Skadden (Houston)
  • Sidley Austin (Dallas)
  • Sidley Austin (D.C.)
  • Sidley Austin (New York City)
  • Troutman Sanders (Atlanta)
  • Venable (all offices)

Congratulations to everyone, at these firms and the firms we mentioned on Tuesday, on their offers.

If you have corrections to the list — i.e., an office listed above that does NOT belong on the 100 percent list — please email us at [email protected], or text us at 646-820-TIPS (646-820-8477).


If you have additions to this list, please note them in the comments to this post. At this point in time, it’s more newsworthy if a firm does NOT have a 100 percent offer rate than if it does.

On that note, please let us hear about firms that are NOT issuing offers to all their summer associates. If you know of a firm or an office with an unusually low offer rate — which we will arbitrarily define here as something under 66 percent, or two-thirds — please email us (subject line: “[Firm Name] Offer Rate”). For example, we’ve heard some rumblings about a low offer rate at a certain firm’s Dallas office. If we hear more on this firm, or any others with low offer rates, we will investigate and perhaps write a story. Thanks.

P.S. We’re about to close the nominations for our summer associate event contest. If you have an event you’d like to nominate, please email us or text us as soon as you can.

Earlier: Summer Associate Offer Rates (2014): Open Thread
