SCOTUS Dogs Don't Understand Aereo Either

These folks used the footage as part of an otherwise straight-up report on the Court's shortcomings in addressing technological innovation.

After John Oliver used dogs to create a recap of the Holt v. Hobbs argument, he asked other media outlets to use his raw footage in their own reporting. As much as we enjoyed the subsequent recreation of the entire Hobby Lobby argument with the aid of Oliver’s raw footage, this may be the ultimate realization of Oliver’s dream yet.

Rather than matching the audio of the whole argument uncut, these folks used the footage as part of an otherwise straight-up report on the Court’s shortcomings in addressing technological innovation. And included scenes like the Court’s back-and-forth about whether cutting-edge innovator Aereo operated “more like a car dealership or a valet service” but with the aid of Oliver’s dog footage. Check it out below….

This comes from The Verge:

We remixed John Oliver’s all-dog Supreme Court footage with actual audio from the Aereo case [The Verge]

Earlier: You Must Watch Dogs Reenact Supreme Court Arguments Right Now
