Is Your Firm Using Social Technologies Effectively?

Take our survey about law firm use of social technologies.

Last year, The Social Law Firm Index was released, a three-pronged study that included: (1) a review of the websites and social media profiles of the Am Law 50 across all public platforms, including an assessment of each firm’s publicly available content as well as social reach and engagement (number of followers, comments, etc.); (2) a survey of the firms themselves regarding the extent to which they are currently using social technologies and practices internally; and (3) a survey of the ATL readership to glean the perspective of practicing attorneys and other legal professionals. Number three is where you come in.

This year, we are expanding our study to include Am Law 100 firms. We want to hear about how well your firms are using social technologies (or not).

Please click here to take our survey.

If you are not part of an Am Law 100 firm, but think your firm is doing an outstanding job with social technologies, let us know by e-mailing us: [email protected].
