Non-Sequiturs: 01.15.14

beer craft beer* Lagunitas sued Sierra Nevada over beer. Beer connoisseurs pulled themselves out of their own vomit to tweet their disapproval. And it worked, Lagunitas dropped the suit. Imagine if we could harness the power of drunks for good. Or evil. Just anything. [SF Gate] * Musing that maybe that daunting LSAT was the obstacle keeping students from filling seats, University of San Diego Law just opened up the school to USD grads -- no LSAT required. [University of San Diego School of Law] * Saks has heard the public backlash against its assertion that transgender people deserve no legal protections in the workplace and responded by... reasserting that transgendered people have no rights. [Slate] * Fashion law isn't just for Elle Woods acolytes anymore. [Racked] * Ninth Circuit does not take kindly to a state prosecutor who lied under oath. [Seeking-Justice] * SCOTUS justices don't have to recuse themselves, and when they do, they don't have to explain why. Let's look at the recusals this Term and venture a guess at why each justice sat out. [Fix the Court] * NY subways boast some ridiculous safety posters to cover themselves legally. Here's a breakdown of their latest efforts. [NY Observer] * Checking in on the always messed up developments down at Manhattan Supreme Court. [Wise Law NY] * "Good news for law grads and law schools!" article ends up buried in a sea of caveats. Because of course it does. [TaxProf Blog]

* Lagunitas sued Sierra Nevada over beer. Beer connoisseurs pulled themselves out of their own vomit to tweet their disapproval. And it worked, Lagunitas dropped the suit. Imagine if we could harness the power of drunks for good. Or evil. Just anything. [SF Gate]

* Musing that maybe that daunting LSAT was the obstacle keeping students from filling seats, University of San Diego Law just opened up the school to USD grads — no LSAT required. [University of San Diego School of Law]

* Saks has heard the public backlash against its assertion that transgender people deserve no legal protections in the workplace and responded by… reasserting that transgendered people have no rights. [Slate]

* Fashion law isn’t just for Elle Woods acolytes anymore. [Racked]

* Ninth Circuit does not take kindly to a state prosecutor who lied under oath. [Seeking-Justice]

* SCOTUS justices don’t have to recuse themselves, and when they do, they don’t have to explain why. Let’s look at the recusals this Term and venture a guess at why each justice sat out. [Fix the Court]


* NY subways boast some ridiculous safety posters to cover themselves legally. Here’s a breakdown of their latest efforts. [NY Observer]

* Checking in on the always messed up developments down at Manhattan Supreme Court. [Wise Law NY]

* “Good news for law grads and law schools!” article ends up buried in a sea of caveats. Because of course it does. [TaxProf Blog]
