What Are The Hot Trends To Look Out For At The Legaltech Conference?

A look behind the Legaltech conference.

technology-todays-tech-300x208This week, I had a CEO of a red hot legal software company tell me that 2016 was going to be the year that legal technology reached a tipping point. As self serving as that sounds, I’m inclined to agree. In fact, I was considering writing an article called “Why 2016 Will Be the Year of Legal Tech” but I decided I would get torched in the comments section, and justifiably so. But, it’s worth noting that I’m getting loads of emails in my inbox every week from entrepreneurs who are building exciting new solutions and, more importantly, coming up with novel marketing strategies that avoid a “market to law firms or bust” approach. And even the companies that do market to law firms seem to be having a good start to 2016, see e.g. Andreesen Horowitz’s $8.1M investment in Everlaw.

That’s partly why, for the first time ever, I will be headed to the Legaltech show in New York (P.S. I’ve spoken with some of the other ATL writers and their calendars quickly filling up, so email us if you’d like to meet and tell us your company’s story). But I’m self important, and I like me some VIP treatment, which is why today I’m chatting with some of the folks behind Legaltech so I (and you by association) can find out, in advance, what the hottest trends will be at this year’s show. Erin Harrison, who is the Editor in Chief of Legaltech News and Henry Dicker, who is the VP of Global Events at ALM, have been nice enough to ReplyAll with me here on ATL. As always, if you’d like to follow the conversation right inside your inbox, go ahead and click on that blue follow button below.

Zach Abramowitz is a former Biglaw associate and currently CEO and co-founder of ReplyAll. You can follow Zach on Twitter (@zachabramowitz) or reach him by email at zach@replyall.me.


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