Did Georgia Just Poison Bar Exam Test Takers?

Hopefully bodily functions didn't knock test takers too far off their game.

vomitThe July bar exam may be over, but it is really the gift that keeps on giving. If you thought that after the recent tales of bar exam horror stories you’d heard the worst of it, well you’re in for a treat.

Let’s go down south to the Georgia bar exam, where thing start off reasonably enough:

The convention center requires all of the schools to use the same catering company for the lunches they serve on Day 1 & 2 of the exam.

There is a definite efficiency in having a single process to get everyone fed in a timely manner, but when things go wrong, they can get really bad.

Thought you might appreciate the food poisoning outbreak that occurred at the Georgia Bar this year.

On the second day, many of the students who chose the ham or the turkey were affected during the test. There were kids running down the aisles to make it to the bathroom during the multiple choice questions and several had to spend that night in the emergency room for IV Fluids it was so bad.

Oh no. As if the bar exam isn’t stressful enough! But multiple people getting sick in the final bar exam session is no bueno. Puking next to your future legal colleagues isn’t the bonding experience you expect at the bar exam. And a night in the ER isn’t the best to celebrate the end of your legal education.

Hopefully these bodily functions didn’t knock test takers too far off their game.


Earlier: Epic Bar Exam Story Reminds Test Takers Just How Bad It Can Get

Kathryn Rubino is an editor at Above the Law. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).
