Spokesperson For West Virginia A.G., And White Supremacists, Fired From At Least One Of Those Jobs

Having been fired and publicly disavowed for appearing in white pride propaganda, the moral of her story is "should you see something of concern, please don’t pass it along or engage in public conversation on the matter."

"Why is the brown, whatever that is, making all the white eggs so unhappy?" -- says the white supremacist.

“Why is the brown, whatever that is, making all the white eggs so unhappy?” — says the white supremacist.

There are jobs you can have while being a white supremacist. Check-out at Costco, NASCAR crew chief, Republican nominee for president, these are all professions where we are, more or less, okay with you harboring terrifyingly racist views on the side.

But working for the top attorney in your state is not one of them. A state’s attorney general has to be a prosecutor and defender of all the state’s people, not just its white people. If your side hobby is making videos calling attention to the “white genocide” problem, then you really shouldn’t be working in that particular office.

That’s a reality Carrie Bowe is now confronting. She used to work in the press office (which is hilarious) for West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R-Of Course He Is). But she lost her job after she was featured in a video called “THE ‘Stop White Genocide’ Video” repeating white supremacist slogans.


The video is pretty gross. I couldn’t make it all the way through it, and I watched every episode of True Detective Season 2. Let’s just say there were one too many references to the “final solution” of the race “problem.” Bowe took part in the video in 2012, started working for Morrisey in 2015, and got fired about an hour after the Charleston Gazette-Mail contacted Morrisey’s office about the content. His office released the following statement:

“The employee’s conduct and statements, which occurred years before being employed by the attorney general’s office, were not previously disclosed until today, which is contrary to the transparency requirements for being a member of this office, do not reflect the opinion or the perspective of the attorney general or this office,”


I guess the “but what do you have to lose” defense doesn’t poll as well in West Virginia.

Bowe’s explanation for why she agreed to do the project is really just as disturbing as the video itself, but it’s the more subtle version of white supremacist logic designed to throw people off the scent. Let’s explore. She defended herself with this:

After her firing, Bowe wrote to West Virginia Public Broadcasting, saying that she is “embarrassed and heartbroken” over the video and said she had agreed to do it because she thought its purpose was to “further discussion on race relation from a white perspective.”

“Growing up, you could not question why some races could talk or behave a certain way and it was seen as OK, whereby if the behavior was repeated by a white person, it was automatically racist,” Bowe wrote. “As a child and a teenager, the inability to even question this was confusing and, really, the opposite of the honest dialogue we need to have in order to understand different cultures and their history better.”

The key disconnect of the white supremacist is that in a country that is still 63 percent white, where there are white majorities in every state legislature, Congress, and the United States Senate, where white people have controlled the executive office 43 out of 44 times, somehow “the white perspective” is not being heard, on “race” of all things.

In this statement, Bowe clearly exposes that she is unable to see people, only “races” that “talk or behave in certain way[s],” and she shows that she doesn’t actually want to “understand different cultures,” so much as be able to say whatever she wants without being called a racist.


And remember, the voice she feels is being drowned out and unfairly labeled as “automatically racist,” is the claim that white people in America are facing genocide… a position that somehow denigrates the success of white people in modern America and the victims of actual genocide at the same time.

[On Facebook] She wrote that she is “TRULY sorry.”

“P.S.: I sincerely ask should you see something of concern, please don’t pass it along or engage in public conversation on the matter,” Bowe concluded.

Unbelievable. This woman is freaking unbelievable. Having been fired and publicly disavowed for appearing in white pride propaganda, the moral of her story is “should you see something of concern, please don’t pass it along or engage in public conversation on the matter.” Right. The WHOLE PROBLEM HERE is that she saw “something of concern” — again, that concern being that we have to “stop” the “genocide” of white Americans — and she spoke up about it. FIRST THEY CAME FOR THE CRACKER BARREL, and I did not speak up, because I eat at Chick-Fil-A.

Thing is, there is a kernel of real-talk here, because the thing that got her fired — from her job in the ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE — was not being a white supremacist. Arguably, that was fine. She’s been a white supremacist (or whatever the hell she’d call her personal amalgam of racist viewpoints) this whole freaking time, from when she was a child or a teenager who was confused why saying the N-word or whatever she really wanted to say would make her “automatically racist.” She’s always been like this, and she doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who has been particularly careful to hide her true feelings. But those beliefs have never held her back from opportunities before. Only now, that the disgusting video she made years ago has been widely disseminated, is she feeling some heat.

Morrisey’s office wants you to believe that they didn’t know Bowe believed in these things. But that’s BS. They knew, or should have known. They didn’t care, or were willfully ignorant about the situation. Obviously, they did a piss poor job vetting who would be speaking for the attorney general. But my guess is that most of the time, Bowe walked around the office being racist within normal parameters for West Virginia. The video didn’t tell them anything about their employee that they might have not guessed, it just put what they found generally acceptable into a context that was indefensible.

Will West Virginia voters punish Morrisey for this egregious staffing oversight?

West Virginia tracking poll 538

Bowe should mount a primary challenge to Morrisey. She’ll find a public more willing to “engage in public conversation” about her issues than she might think.

WV attorney general fires aide who recited white supremacist slogans in video [Charleston Gazette-Mail]