David Boies: The Politics Of The Hank Greenberg Case Were 'Maddening'

Was the AG trying to avoid 'public embarrassment'?

David Boies is one happy man this year.

David Boies

One of the things that was maddening was that the attorney general’s office put out a press release that said Hank Greenberg had admitted to participating in and approving fraudulent transactions. But there was an agreed statement of facts pursuant to the mediation agreement.

The statement of facts, Mr. Greenberg’s statement, was an agreed statement of facts. It was something that was heavily negotiated. That agreed statement of facts never mentioned the word ‘fraud.’ It said that certain accounting was inaccurate.….

The attorney general’s press release was, I think, clearly an attempt to try to spin what had happened and to minimize the extent to which people would recognize what a failure the case had been.

— David Boies, in an interview with The Litigation Daily, explaining the way politics impacted his defense of Hank Greenberg.
