Boaz Weinstein To Deliver Keynote Address At NYC’s Litigation Funding Conference

At 9 a.m., Boaz Weinstein, Principal of Lake Whillans Capital Partners, will deliver the conference’s keynote address.

Boaz Weinstein

Boaz Weinstein

On Friday, April 28, leaders of the litigation finance industry will gather in New York City at the 2017 Litigation Funding Conference to discuss the current state of litigation funding, as well as number of other topics relevant to the industry. The conference is a chance for legal and financial professionals to network with others in the industry and learn about the most pressing topics affecting litigation finance today.

At 9 a.m., Boaz Weinstein, Principal of Lake Whillans Capital Partners, will deliver the conference’s keynote address. His speech will focus on what the litigation funding industry should expect to see this year and what trends litigation finance professionals can anticipate in the coming year.

Following the keynote address, attendees will be treated to a variety of speakers and panels throughout the day, on a diverse range of topics, including the current state of litigation finance, methods for improving litigation outcomes, international arbitration, and investment strategy considerations for hedge funds, venture capital firms, and third-party investors. As always, there will be ample time for mingling, networking and dealmaking with others in the field.

The conference provides an environment to learn more about the booming business of litigation finance. Those involved with high-stakes commercial claims and complex corporate litigation matters will benefit from a roster of speakers who represent the best in the industry, and attendees will gain invaluable insight into the key roles litigation finance can play in today’s litigious society.

The conference is an all-day affair taking place at LMHQ in Lower Manhattan.


Lake WhillansThis column is by Lake Whillans Litigation Finance. To learn more about us, and litigation finance generally, visit us at our website at, Twitter, or LinkedIn. To ask a specific question, suggest a topic or simply say hello, drop us a line at [email protected].