Law School Chill Zone: The Latest Way To Improve Studying

Would you use this amenity?

sleeping bored law studentsI get it, finals are upon us and everyone wants to do their very best. The pressure is on, and not just for students. School administrators are working hard behind the scenes to make sure students succeed. Sure, the curve might screw some people, but sometimes the school will really go above and beyond to maximize students’ performance.

Take UC Hastings Law School, they’ve open The Chill Zone, which is… a thing. Let’s take a look at the announcement before we get into the specifics.

To All Students Who Would Like a Place to Chill Out on Campus:

We are excited to announce that The Chill Zone is now open on the 6th floor of the library (in the corner next to 620A & B). Students can go there anytime the library is open to relax, meditate, do yoga, take a quick nap to reenergize, or do other quiet activities that refresh.

We hope that this will be a convenient space to rejuvenate when you need it or just a place to chill out when you feel like it. To encourage a peaceful environment, we request that electronics be used outside of this area (thank you).

A variety of items have been added to the space to foster a relaxing environment, including nap pads, bean bag chairs, and yoga mats. Please let us know what you think and/or if you have any suggestions (redacted).

This simple and important space would not have been possible without support. I would like to thank the CFOs Office, Facilities, the Student Services Team, and many interested students for their support and enthusiasm.


So, people are supposed to sleep in public? Don’t you have homes for that? I’d be pretty uncomfortable sleeping with a bunch of strangers — or worse, classmates — around; what if they put something in my ear?

But the dedicated space away from electronics is an interesting idea. Sure, maybe your outline is on your computer, but so is the internet, aka, the universe’s biggest distraction. Taking time without all that nonsense may just be the best way to recharge your battery and prepare for exams.

headshotKathryn Rubino is an editor at Above the Law. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).
