Jeff Sessions 'Is Totally Pissed' At Trump

Well, he's not mincing words.

AG Jeff Sessions (Photo by Zach Gibson/Getty Images)

Sessions is totally pissed off about it. It’s beyond insane. It’s cruel and it’s insane and it’s stupid.

— An unnamed ‘Sessions ally,’ describing the Attorney General’s take on Trump’s lambasting him in public. The Daily Beast article suggests that Sessions has already made the decision to double down and dare Trump to fire him. Another anonymous source, from the White House, thinks this will all blow over: ‘We’ve all lived through enough of these episodes where people end up getting on the president’s bad side, but guess what? They’re still around.’

(When quizzed, the latter source had never heard of James Comey or Sean Spicer, and then ran out of the room with their fingers in their ears yelling, “La, La, La, I can’t hear you.”)
