Law School Final Exam Basis Of Sexual Harassment Charge

Is this political correctness gone awry?

[It’s] silly but relatively harmless [if Howard Law School] wants to treat its students as delicate snowflakes who must be protected from unpleasant hypothetical cases… [But a] formal finding that a professor is guilty of ‘sexual harassment’ because of a discussion in class, that’s libelous of him as an individual and debases the whole concept.

Gaillard T. Hunt, lawyer for Howard Law School professor Reginald Robinson. Howard found Robinson guilty of sexual harassment because a 2015 exam question featured a hypothetical scenario involving a Brazilian wax. According to Inside Higher Ed, as a result of the finding Robinson will have to complete mandatory sensitivity training, have future exam questions reviewed by the administration, and have his classroom observed. He was also warned that any further violations of the university’s sexual harassment policies may result in termination.
