Alumni Of Top Law School Speak Out Against Professor

Penn Law alumni speak up about stamping out bias.

After co-authoring a delightful op-ed exploring “bourgeois values” as a thinly veiled effort to denigrate women and minorities, Professor Amy Wax of Penn Law School and Professor Larry Alexander of USD Law have gotten their share of deserved criticism from all corners. Not that they didn’t expect to be pilloried — it’s all part of the right-wing martyrdom pageant — but neither probably guessed, when they published this days before Charlottesville, that opposition to this editorial would become a such rallying point for the law school community.

Professors have carefully debunked the shoddy “facts” — mostly unevidenced assertions — that Wax and Alexander laid out in their piece. Student groups have developed action plans to protect students, and the USD administration has made a commitment to address diversity and bias concerns.

It’s one thing for faculty and students to get inspired to make law schools a better place, since they have to deal with that environment every day. But now, Penn alumni have added their voices in response. It’s great to see lawyers who’ve moved on from the alma mater care so much about its reputation and the conditions facing the next generation of students to get involved like this. If you’re a Penn alum and want to sign your name to the letter below, you can do so here.

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Earlier: Faced With Careful Criticism, Law Professor Just Calls His Critics Stupid
Law Students Seek To Ban Professor From Teaching 1Ls
Dog Whistling ‘Bourgeois Values’ Op-Ed Gets Thorough Takedown From Other Law Professors
Law Professors Say White ’50s Culture Is Superior, Other Racist Stuff
That One Op-Ed By Those Two Law Professors

HeadshotJoe Patrice is an editor at Above the Law and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips, questions, or comments. Follow him on Twitter if you’re interested in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.
