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Morning Docket: 05.30.18
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 05.30.18

* Guess which Biglaw firm has decided to bring back on-campus recruiting for its summer associate program? Here's a hint: You're going to need a pair of flip flops. We'll have more on this later today. [American Lawyer]

* With an estimated $11 million annual salary, Sandra Goldstein, who recently left Cravath for Kirkland & Ellis, may be the highest paid female partner in all of Biglaw. You go, girl! [The Careerist]

* Speaking of female Biglaw partners, Bracewell partner Barbara Jones's $700 per hour rate as special master in the review of materials seized from Michael Cohen's office has added up to a pretty YUGE bill for just one week's worth of work: $47,390. [New York Law Journal]

* The Justice Department approved a merger between Bayer and Monsanto, but only after the companies agreed to dump $9 billion in business assets. "Today’s news makes it clear that our antimonopoly laws are completely worthless," said one farm group that's just thrilled by the news. [Washington Post]

* Eduardo M. Peñalver, the first Latino dean of an Ivy League law school, has been reappointed to a second five-year term as dean of Cornell Law after achieving quite a few milestones for employment and bar pass rates at the school. [Cornell Chronicle]

* Briana Williams, a single mother who requested an epidural while she was in labor so her contractions wouldn't interfere with her completion of a final exam, recently graduated from Harvard Law School. Much respect from one law mama to another. Congratulations and best of luck in all that you do! [Yahoo!]

