Citi Private Bank

  • Morning Docket: 07.12.17
    Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 07.12.17

    * “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.” An anonymous government official has said that Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller will be taking a hard look at the emails disclosed by Donald Trump Jr. and the meeting discussed within them in his investigation into any possible collusion with Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. [CNN]

    * President Trump has a rare opportunity to reshape the federal judiciary, and with close to 150 vacancies, he’s attempting to do just that. That being said, many people are understandably worried about the prospect of Trump’s judicial picks because “[w]e’re seeing nominees, including Gorsuch, who are going to turn back the clock on hard-fought rights and liberties.” [Bloomberg News]

    * Demand for legal services may be sluggish at best, but that’s not stopping law firm leaders from making bullish projections for the future. According to the latest report from Citi Private Bank, law firm managing partners are cautiously confident in the outlook for their businesses. We may have more on this later today. [Am Law Daily]

    * In what seems to be an effort to catch up with modern times, the American Bar Association’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar is considering adding gender identity and ethnicity to existing law school accreditation rules regarding diversity, nondiscrimination, and equal opportunity. [ABA Journal]

    * Notes from the weed line: In this op-ed, former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura says that if President Trump decides to somehow reverse state laws that have legalized marijuana, then not only would those states be potentially bankrupted, but such action could also trigger another economic collapse across the entire nation. [CNBC]

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