
  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 05.07.15

    * For Mad Men fans: Have you wondered how the show is getting away with making real-life ad agency McCann Erickson sound like a hellhole? [The Legal Artist]

    * The hell? An aide to California AG Kamala Harris was arrested for serving as “chief deputy director” of a rogue police department. That claims to be descended from the Knights Templar. And run by the Freemasons. The conspiracy is real, my friends. [Slate]

    * Catholic priest dubbed “Monsignor Meth” sentenced to 5 years for running a drug ring. This may be an obvious point, but in the grand scheme of “crimes committed by Roman Catholic priests” this really isn’t so bad. Unless kids were paying for meth the way… well, they sometimes pay for meth. [NBC Connecticut]

    * A prickly question: should you buy your assistant a wedding gift even if you’re not invited? Assuming you still have your own assistant — looking in your direction, Proskauer. [Corporette]

    * Nobody wants to throw children to the wolves, but current child support laws are less about helping kids and more about throwing poor parents in jail when they can’t afford to pay money they don’t have. [LFC 360]

    * The Goebbels estate is seeking royalties for biographies about the Nazi propagandist, giving new meaning to the term “IP Troll.” [Inside Higher Ed]

    * Fascinating. All the cool stuff you can do now that the U.S. Code is published as structured data. If you like your statutes in cool graphs, this is for you. [Concurring Opinions]

    * RIP Richard Bartlett, who helped bring the New York courts into unity. He was 89. [New York Law Journal]

  • Airplanes / Aviation, Continuing Legal Education / CLE, Deaths, Non-Sequiturs, Social Media, Social Networking Websites, Sports, Technology, Twittering

    Non-Sequiturs: 10.14.13

    * Referees go on a power trip and get arrested. [Legal Juice] * Lawyers enjoy LinkedIn. They may not like it as much if these allegations are true. [IT-Lex] * A New York lawyer is using Twitter to complain about Obamacare. This is what happens when there aren’t enough billable hours to go around. [New York Post] * TSA lets 9-year-old through without a ticket or adult help. Our security is top-notch in this country. [Lowering the Bar] * New York attorney Bradley Dizik is the working to save Detroit’s Masonic temple from its financial woes. How screwed is Detroit? Even the international Freemason conspiracy can’t help. [Detroit News] * Interested in national security — and getting CLE credit? [Lawfare] * A Georgetown Law student was killed over the weekend. On a personal note, I knew Mark and he was truly great guy and my thoughts go out to his family and friends. [Washington Post]
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