On The Job: A Labor And Employment Rankings Round-Up
Which labor and employment firms are the most overrated and the most underrated?
Which labor and employment firms are the most overrated and the most underrated?
Ever wonder what solo practice would really be like? A new survey offers interesting insights.
From training to technology, uncover the essential steps to futureproof your law firm in a competitive market.
It's encouraging to read results that suggest that small-firm lawyers are doing better than is generally believed.
Not all surveys are created equal, as columnist Shannon Achimalbe explains.
Small-firm lawyers may have obstacles to overcome, but overall they are doing just fine, thank you.
Today, we are launching the ATL Solo and Small Firm Compensation Survey. Help us help you!
Is your firm keeping up with legal finance and tech trends? The 2025 Legal Industry Report shows how firms optimize cash flow, automate payments, and use AI. Download now for key insights.
We're updating the only comprehensive summary of Biglaw maternity and paternity leave policies.
If you're an in-house lawyer, please take this survey, so we can share the interesting results with you.
Which firms' associates would work for their firms all over again if given the chance?
Which Biglaw firms are the highest rated by their own employees?
LexisNexis’ ‘multi-doc’ feature for Automated Templates will add new efficiencies to your practice. Here’s how.
How well would you do on the lateral partner market?
Results from our reader poll concerning 2013 law firm bonuses.
The results of our reader survey on law firm health insurance plans.
A look at the results of our OCI survey, including the firms rated most highly by student interviewees.
Take our reader survey on post-Recession changes to law firm health insurance costs.