Juan Haines

  • Ann Althouse, Contests, Federal Government, Non-Sequiturs, Parties, Prisons, Technology, U.S. Attorneys Offices

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.06.13

    * Former Biglaw associate Tabber Benedict, whom we’ve mentioned before (in happier times), reportedly threw a lavish “going away” party — going away to prison, that is. [Daily Mail] * Take your pick: is government an “impetuous vortex” or a “hideous monster [with] devouring jaws”? [Althouse] * Some thoughts from Juan Haines, a current San Quentin inmate and jailhouse lawyer, on wrongful conviction. [Life of the Law] * In defense of the weekly meeting. [What About Clients?] * Prosecutors: above the (traffic) law? [UTSanDiego.com] * And how about the U.S. Postal Service? [Felix Salmon] * The furor over U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz and the late Aaron Swartz shows no sign of abating. [How Appealing] * Speaking of technology law, how would you like to win $5,000? If so, check out this contest. [IT-Lex]
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