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Law Schools

Do People Choose Law Schools Based On Subway Ads?

On Friday, we told you about the administrator at New England Law who embezzled over $170,000. That was the first time Elie had heard of New England Law School, and he thought he knew all of the ABA-accredited law schools. But evidently, he hasn't taken the "T" (the Boston subway system) in quite awhile. Apparently, regular T passengers know of New England Law. If you are the kind of person who believes subway ads, you might have a totally different impression of New England Law than anybody else....

Law Schools

Do People Choose Law Schools Based On Subway Ads?

On Friday, we told you about the administrator at New England Law who embezzled over $170,000. That was the first time Elie had heard of New England Law School, and he thought he knew all of the ABA-accredited law schools. But evidently, he hasn't taken the "T" (the Boston subway system) in quite awhile. Apparently, regular T passengers know of New England Law. If you are the kind of person who believes subway ads, you might have a totally different impression of New England Law than anybody else....