
  • Harold Koh, State Department

    WikiLeaks Gives Diplomats Headaches and Lawyers Work

    WikiLeaks worships at the shrine of rabid transparency. And it does not just sacrifice government documents to the transparency gods; founder Julian Assange tells my Forbes colleague Andy Greenberg that corporate America is the site’s next big target. A big bank is going down, says Assange. Greenberg thinks it might be Bank of America. Dealbreaker […]
  • Morning Docket

    Morning Docket: 11.30.10

    * A Spanish woman has claimed ownership of the sun. Similarly, my father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. [Daily Mail] * Yesterday, Eric Holder said that the Justice Department was conducting a “very serious” investigation into insider trading on Wall Street. Rachael Ray’s going […]

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