We’ve written a fair amount about D. Marvin Jones, the University of Miami law professor who has been accused of soliciting an undercover officer for sex. He allegedly offered her a tantalizing $20 for her services.
But a picture is worth a thousand words. And a picture is what’s been making the rounds among UM students and alumni, via email. The tipster who sent the graphic to us introduced it as follows:
I graduated from UM Law (embarrassing, I know)…. [But] I actually have a job.
I hate UM. After [redacted] for undergrad, UM Law was a joke. I’m embarrassed that I went here.
Anyway, this pic is amazing. Please publish it. I don’t know where it came from, but it’s awesome.

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Now, we realize that Professor Jones is a popular figure on the UM Law campus. We acknowledge that he merely stands accused of wrongdoing; he hasn’t been convicted of anything. And we know that many ATL readers have rather delicate sensibilities, especially for the readers on an online legal tabloid. If you’re highly sensitive to criticism of Professor Jones, or if you are easily offended, then please stop reading here.
But if you have no particular attachment to Professor Jones, and if you have a reasonably high tolerance for irreverent, crass, politically incorrect humor, then check out what lies after the jump.
Earlier: Prior ATL coverage of Professor D. Marvin Jones (scroll down)