Sonnenschein Claims Paterson Crony

But for the state of Illinois, New York State would be receiving more national recognition for its state political situation. Even the President is embarrassed by the performance of New York Governor David Paterson.
Perhaps Paterson’s chances of beating Andrew Cuomo, or Rudolph Giuliani, or the Naked Cowboy are depressed because of stories like these. From the New York Post:

Gov. Paterson’s former economic-development czar, Avi Schick, stepped down from his post at the helm of the Empire State Development Corp. in January — but, astonishingly, continued to quietly draw his $213,000 annual salary for eight more months, The Post has learned.
Schick, who has close ties to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, managed to hang on to his full salary — more than what the governor earns — in return for advising Paterson on lower Manhattan issues, said ESDC spokesman Warner Johnston.

In case you’re wondering, Sheldon Silver is essentially the most powerful state official left in New York State, owing to his ability to perform his duties at a basically competent level. That is a rarity in Albany.
But how did Avi Schick’s state salary become exposed? Details after the jump.

The Post had been trying to figure out how much money Avi Schick was making for over a month. But then Mr. Schick got a new job:

The ESDC revealed Schick’s continuing compensation to The Post last week after more than a month of requests, and just days after he was removed from the payroll on Sept. 11 so that he could begin a new job with a law firm that began three days later.

Which law firm hired this master of state politics?

Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP announced today that Avi Schick, a former New York deputy attorney general, who most recently served as president of the Empire State Development Corporation, has joined the national law firm as a partner in its Litigation Practice. Schick will reside in Sonnenschein’s New York office, focusing on complex civil litigation, enforcement and regulatory matters.


Sonnenschein’s press release about its new hire — announced just one week ago — has a different take on Schick’s work on the Empire State Development Corporation:

“Avi is a successful litigator who ran several high-profile litigation matters while working in the New York attorney general’s office,” said Michael H. Barr, national chair of Sonnenschein’s Litigation Practice. “He is perfectly situated in this growing regulatory environment to help our clients with some of their more complex legal needs.”
During the past decade, Schick has played a key role in New York state government. At the Empire State Development Corporation, he oversaw the day-to-day operations of the state’s economic development agency and represented the state in all aspects of significant real estate development projects.

After today’s news, the firm’s position on hiring Mr. Schick hasn’t changed. This morning, a Sonnenschein spokesperson told Above the Law:

We’re very pleased to have Avi at Sonnenschein, but have no comment on any compensation or benefits he has received through his prior work for the State of New York.

At least Schick is back on the private market. I only want my tax dollars going to shovel ready projects. And, you know, banks and insurance companies of course.
Dave crony collects ‘money for nothing’ [New York Post]
Obama administration asks Gov. Paterson not to seek reelection in 2010 [NY Daily News]
