A Deidre Dare Update: Allen & Overy Lawyer Turned Sex Columnist Makes Controversial Claims About Rape

Memorial Day weekend is almost here, and we all know what that means: the arrival of summer. And we all know what summer means: people taking their clothes off, at the beach or pool.

People taking their clothes off got us thinking about one of our favorite personalities here at Above the Law: Deidre Dare, the sexy ex-associate in the Moscow office of Allen & Overy, who started writing about erotic exploits on the internet. Dare presented her work as fiction, but she did hint that it was in part autobiographical (a point she underscored by posing online in her undies).

Alas, the powers-that-be at A&O were not amused by Dare’s literary endeavors. After seeing that the project finance lawyer’s writing talents extended to sex scenes as well as sale-leasebacks, they terminated her employment. Dare then turned around and sued the firm, seeking £3.5 million in damages.

And now Deidre Dare is once again in the news….

Since her December 2008 firing from A&O, Deidre Dare — real name: Deidre Clark — has been writing a racy column for the Moscow News entitled “sExpat.” Some of her writings there have been controversial, as noted in today’s Daily Mail (emphasis added):

A high-flying lawyer suing a leading City law firm for £3.5million for sex discrimination has claimed it is ‘natural for men to rape and beat women’. Deidre Clark, 44, was sacked from her £126,000-a-year job with Allen & Overy for writing an erotic novel on the internet.

She claims she suffered ‘sexual persecution’ by her 60-year-old married boss and is suing the firm for discrimination and unfair dismissal. It has now emerged that since leaving the firm, Miss Clark has been writing a newspaper column telling of her love of sado-masochist sex and bondage.


A self-professed masochist? No wonder Dare lasted so long in Biglaw.

She says she prefers boyfriends who are ‘real men’ whom she describes as ‘cavemen born to fight and rape’. She writes: ‘Men have been dragging women by the hair since caveman days. It’s in their nature to be violent.

‘The human male has evolved to slap his slutty woman. If you’re hanging out with real men and you’re a little slutty, you’re going to get hit. Period.’

That last sentence should sound familiar to longtime ATL readers, since we previously highlighted it here.

Since much of the Daily Mail article is not new — the fact that Dare has sued her former firm came out a while ago, and her writing a sex column is also old news — we weren’t quite sure what the point of today’s article was. We reached out to Dare to see if she had any comment. Responded Dare: “I stopped reading what the press writes about me a long, long time ago!”

We briefly described the Daily Mail piece, which highlighted Dare’s claim that it’s “natural” for men to rape and beat women, then added: “The Daily Mail seems to be suggesting that your views on rape are inconsistent with your suing the firm for sex discrimination. Thoughts?”


“I don’t recall a lot of Roman Warrior victors discriminating against their captured women,” quipped Dare. “Anyway: I’m suing for harassment, not discrimination. Also, just because I think something is natural doesn’t mean I think it’s right. There’s a difference between biology and morality — n’est-ce pas?”

‘It’s natural for men to rape and beat women’ says sacked lawyer suing firm for £3.5m for sex discrimination [Daily Mail]
Meet the lawyer scandalising a top legal firm with lurid claims of promiscuity and a liaison with her married boss. So… does she deserve £3.5m or the sack? [Daily Mail]

Earlier: Deidre Dare Likes Abusive Men and Getting Paid For Her Writing
Deidre Dare Proposes Prostitution as a Layoff Solution?
(Laid-off) Lawyer of the Day: Sex Novelist Deidre Dare Sues Allen & Overy
Lawyer of the Weekend: Deidre Dare